To Schedule An Appointment
Call 574.288.1900
A note from Dr. Tom about COVID-19
We're happy to announce that Closurdo Family Dentistry will reopen to treat all our patients on Monday, May 11. Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time.
We have secured all the necessary protective gear for our staff and patients, plus a little more. With that, there will be some temporary changes to the look of the office, and to how you will check in. We know that for some these changes will seem cumbersome, but please know it is the best way for us to keep our team and patients safe, which in turn keeps all of your families safe, too.
The day prior to your appointment, you will receive a text or email with a brief survey. You will likely have seen this at your regular doctor’s office. It will ask about fever and other symptoms, plus inquire about recent travel. Just like any other medical information, it will go directly into your chart and no one outside our team will see it.
Once you arrive at the office, we ask that you call the office or reply to the appointment confirmation text to let us know you are in the parking lot. We will call or text you back as soon as we are ready to take you straight back to the treatment room. We will not be using the waiting room.
As required by the St. Joseph County Health Department, you will need to wear a mask when you enter the building. If you do not have one, you will be handed one through the front door and must have it on before entering. All patients will have temperatures taken at the door. If you have a temperature over 100.4, we will need to reschedule your appointment. Please do not come if you have a fever, or any symptoms that could put other patients and team members at risk.
Please do not bring any children or family members with you. We know that occasionally a care giver must attend. In this case, you will need to wait in your car, or wear a mask while waiting in the office. We will not have any magazines or toys in our waiting room. We will wipe down doors and chairs after each use. Anyone coming inside the building will need to complete the symptoms survey and have a temperature check.
As you walk toward the treatment room, we will ask that you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. We will also have you do a quick mouth rinse.
Our team members will also look a little different. We will be wearing N95 masks, head coverings and face shields. Let’s be honest, it has been overwhelming to us to see each other in complete protective gear. We know that it will feel strange to come into a usually open and friendly office and only see our eyes. Just know that we are working to keep you safe. We can’t say that enough.
Finally, we ask for your patience as we may still need to make adjustments to the schedule in the coming weeks. In order to allow extra time for cleaning and sterilizing between every patient, we will need to space out appointments.
Again, thank you so much for your support. We're happy to continue serving you, and can't wait to see your smile! If you have any questions about the safety measures we are taking, or you have any concerns, call our office at 574-288-1900 or you can email office@closurdofamilydentistry.com